About Us

We are Reserva Austral

The bridge between you and Chilean Patagonia

Our main motivation is to bring people closer to the nature that we love so much, admire and want to preserve.

Convencidos que adquirir terrenos australes de manera consciente y respetuosa con el entorno, es posible. Te ayudamos a lograrlo.
The unique geography, its flora and fauna are within the reach of our clients, characterized by their commitment to conservation and closely linked to the above with the commitment to climate change.

Our business models are closely linked to issues of global importance, such as the Sustainable Development Goals, whose principles are 13 (Climate Action), 14 (Life Underwater) and 15 (Life in Terrestrial Ecosystems).

These objectives are present in each of the projects that we develop in the south of Chile, particularly in the Aysén Region.

Chile has adopted a National Strategy for Climate Change and Vegetation Resources whose general objective is "To reduce the social, environmental and economic vulnerability generated by climate change, desertification, land degradation and drought on vegetation resources and human communities. that depend on them, in order to increase the resilience of ecosystems and contribute to mitigating climate change by promoting the reduction and capture of greenhouse gas emissions in Chile”.

Among the specific objectives, it stands out "Influence technical, political and financial decision-making that allows positioning the role of vegetation resources in mitigation and adaptation to climate change, the fight against desertification, land degradation and drought, as priority axes in sectoral development policies”.


Hence the importance of caring for the native vegetation and flora in each of our projects, which can be accessed, and which allow not only the realization of a personal project or investment, but to contribute individually to collective objectives.

Chilean legislation establishes rules that each of our clients must respect and that are the basis of citizen responsibility, for example:
a) Law 20.283 On the Recovery of Native Forest and Forestry Promotion that restricts the productive activity of native forests and establishes conservation norms;
b) Law 19.473 that along with regulating the hunting, capturing and raising of wild animals, it also establishes norms for the conservation and sustainable use of wild animals;
c) Law 18.892 on Fishing and Aquaculture that regulates productive activity and also, the protection of hydrobiological resources, that is, those resources that can be used by human beings.

HOW TO ACQUIRE LAND IN CHILE? The legislation does not establish regulations that restrict investments in the Aysén Region, whether for Chileans or foreigners, only limitations of minimum area (Decree Law 3,516 and the General Law of Urbanism and Construction. If you are abroad you can grant a mandate to manage your single tax role and the contract of promise of sale or definitive contract and thus carry out the purchase without further requirements.In the case of a foreign citizen, Decree Law 1,939 establishes the need to obtain prior permission.

Southern Corner

Datos, curiosidades, lugares, rutas y mucho más. No importa si eres un fanático experimentado o recién te estás enamorando de nuestra majestuosa Carretera Austral. ¡Bienvenid@s tod@s los que admiren su belleza y quieren conocerla más! Suscríbete con tu email y entérate antes, de todos nuestros proyectos y noticias: